
Jostailuak eta haurrentzako produktuak Asia 2024

Toys & Baby Products Asia
From December 12, 2024 until December 15, 2024
Karachi - Karachi Expo Center, Sindh, Pakistan
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Haurrentzako produktuen eta haurrentzako jostailuen nazioarteko azokarik handiena, haurrentzako tramankuluak


The International Toys & Baby Products Asia Trade Fair is expected to be a groundbreaking platform for all National & International stakeholders, presenting a wide range of product from leading world manufacturers in the industry. This trade show will provide a platform for showcasing and discovering the latest products and innovation in the Toys & Baby Products Industry. Toys & Baby Products Asia is the perfect place to network and meet industry professionals over three days at the Karachi Expo Center.

Toys & Baby Products Asia offers the perfect platform for meeting and networking with industry professionals in a dynamic, focused environment over three days at the Karachi Expo Center. More than 150 international and local exhibitors will be present at the event. Buyers and suppliers can experience and interact with the full range of products and services for children, babies and maternity, including baby food, toys, maternity clothes, and baby carriages.Engage in groundbreaking discussion and enhance your industry knowledge. These events offer a great opportunity to establish important business contacts and networks.

Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan Ltd (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistanen eragiketa eta bazkide estrategiko handiak dituen enpresa, Erakusketen jabeak, azokak, azokak eta erakusketen antolatzailea da. Ecommerce Gateway, 2001ean sortu zenetik, bere irismena zabaldu du bazkide sare global bat ezarriz. Horrek Txina, Turkia eta Hego Korea barne hartzen ditu. Ecommerce Gateway-k agente-sare fidagarria du, erakundeei laguntzen diena eta egoera onean dago eskualde osoan erakusketa eta hitzaldi handiak arrakastaz antolatzeko.

Hits: 6684

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Mesedez, erregistratu Toys & Baby Products Asia-ren webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Karachi - Karachi Expo Center, Sindh, Pakistan Karachi - Karachi Expo Center, Sindh, Pakistan


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak