
Mind Body Spirit Londresko Ongizate Jaialdia 2024

Mind Body Spirit Londresko Ongizate Jaialdia
From May 24, 2024 until May 27, 2024
Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Mind Body Spirit Festival - Londresko Olympia - maiatzaren 24tik maiatzaren 27ra

Join us at THE LONDONMIND BODY & SPIRIT FESTIVAL. Who says that the best things of life aren't for free? Crystal Clear Psychics. Workshops that will inspire you and awaken your spirit. What are you still waiting for?? Opening Times: 24 May – 27 May. Fri / Sat / Sun / Mon Standard Entrance. Fri / Sat / Sun / Mon Concession Entrance. Weekend (Sat & Sun) Festival Pass (SAVE PS11). Limited Availability!

Brings together motivational and inspirational speakers, musicians, performers, and artists from around the world.

Anne Malonek antolatutako Soinuaren Alkimia, lasaitasun eta bake aterpea eskaintzen du.

Erresuma Batuko Yoga eta Ongizate irakasle ezagunenek klaseak eta dastatze saioak antolatuko dituzte Yoga eta Ongizate Estudio honetan.

Kwali Kumarak espazio harrigarri hau hartuko du eta zeremonia intimoetan oinarritutako esperientzietan zentratuko da.

The Midlife Wisdom Stage, now in its second year, focuses on women's holistic journey to health and offers practical advice on topics like menopause and gut health. It also includes guidance and advice on hormones, fatigue, life after 50, and more.

The Main Stage is the heartbeat of the festival. It's dynamic, energetic and pulsating. The Main Stage features musical and artistic performances, as well as interactive demos.

Free to attend, you can enjoy free talks, product demonstrations, launches, and treatments from therapists, independent organisations and companies with years of experience.

Hits: 8073

Eman izena sarrera edo txosnetan

Mesedez, erregistratu Mind Body Spirit London Well-being Festival-en webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua


Tanya Giovanni
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Irakurle espirituala
Irakurle psikiko espiritual batentzako posturik baduzu eskuragarri?

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