
Instalazioak Show 2024

Instalazioen Ikuskizuna
From December 02, 2024 until December 04, 2024
Londres - ExCeL Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)
Kategoriak: Enpresa Zerbitzuak

Facilities Show | Anticipate London

Bringing Together Global Leaders In Property & People For A Safer, Smarter Future. 2 - 4 December ExCeL London. FACILITIES SHOW BECOMES PART OF ‘ANTICIPATE LONDON’. ANTICIPATE LONDON IN NUMBERS. Addressing the BIG topics. Meet Industry Leaders. Why have we introduced a new addition? What Is Anticipate London? How will the new addition impact visitors? How will the new addition impact exhibitors?

Anticipate London Informa PLC-ren Informa Connect Division-en parte da.

Gune hau Informa PLCren jabetzako negozio batek edo enpresek kudeatzen dute eta egile-eskubide guztiak haienak dira. Informa PLCren egoitza 5 Howick Place, Londres SW1P 1WG da. Ingalaterran eta Galesen erregistratuta dago. 3099067 zenbakia.

The Facilities Show will combine with co-located events IFSEC, FIREX and Safety and Health Expo to form Anticipate London.

The new event format will still have a core focus on facilities management and topics relevant to professionals managing properties and estates, but will now also reflect the rapidly-evolving landscape that embraces integrated systems across the the built environment.

Welcome to the FM show for tomorrow’s people and property needs: Anticipate London.

Hear from internationally renowned experts, tech innovators and government on how the world of facilities management is changing and how processes like AI will impact on its future.

Pertsonetan eta ondasunetan liderrak topatzeko Europako ekitaldi nagusia - hemen FTSE 250 enpresa eta erakunde globaletako C-suite mailako liderrak ezagutuko dituzu.

Hits: 7226

Eman izena sarrera edo txosnetan

Mesedez, erregistratu Facilities Show-en webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Londres - ExCeL Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua Londres - ExCeL Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak