
Automobilgintza Elektronika Erakusketa 2024

Automobilgintza Elektronika Erakusketa
From August 08, 2024 until August 10, 2024
New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)
Kategoriak: Automobilgintza

INDIAELECTRONICSEXPO : Ezagutu : Konektatu : Hazi

India Electronics Expo 2025. INDIA ELECTRONICS EXPO. Azken edizioari begirada bat. AZKEN EDIZIO ARRAKASTAtsua. AURREZ ANTOLATUTA B2B TOPAKETAK. Negozioetarako parekatzea. 2025. urterako ESPERO ZENBAKIA. Erakusleen testigantzak. Ordezkarien testigantzak A&T Video Networks Pvt Ltd. Advika Web Developments Hosting Pvt. Erakusketa Kategoriak. Kontsumo Elektronika Energia eraginkorra den elektronika Industria Elektronika.

India Electronics Expo is a platform that allows global companies to showcase cutting-edge services and products to international clients. This event was strategically designed to increase global exposure and open up endless possibilities for business partnerships and collaborations. The event's unique selling point is its pre-arranged meetings between exhibitors and delegates, which facilitate valuable connections. The event, which focuses on the electronics sector, offers a unique opportunity to introduce innovative and ground-breaking products.

India Electronics Expo's previous edition was a great success. Exhibitors received a staggering 5,931 inquiries. The event saw the signing of 25 MoUs and the negotiation of 217 Memorandums of Understanding. With more than 4000 B2B meeting organized between foreign delegates and exhibitors, the expo proved its value as catalyst for successful business partnerships.

Erakusleak bezero potentzialekin lotzen dituzten aldez aurretik antolatutako bilerak aprobetxatu. Kolaborazio posibleak aztertzeko pertsona egokiak topatzen dituzula ziurtatzen duen parekatze programa bat dugu. Sortu negozio-elkarte esanguratsuak hazkundea bultzatzeko eta zure enpresaren horizonteak zabaltzeko.

Hits: 157

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Mesedez, erregistratu Automotive Electronics Show-en webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India New Delhi - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak