
Elikagai Ekologiko Nordikoen Azoka 2024

Elikagai Ekologiko Nordikoen Azoka
From October 09, 2024 until October 10, 2024
Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Stockholm konderria, Suedia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)
Kategoriak: Janariak eta edariak

Nordic Organic Expo

ESKANDINAVIAKO PRODUKTU NATURAL ETA EKOLOGIKOEN MERKATARITZA ERAKUSKETA. PRODUKTU NATURAL ETA EKOLOGIKOEN MERKATARITZA ESKANDINABAKO ERAKUSKETA. Prestatu txikizkako eta janari-zerbitzuen eskaintza iraultzeko! Ezagutu produktu hauek. Ikuskizunaren LAGUNAK:. Kontsumitzaile kontzienteei erakarri nahi al diezu? Ezagutu produktu hauek. Ikuskizunaren LAGUNAK:. Edertasuna naturala, organikoa eta jasangarria izatea da... Horrela izan behar du!

Koska azoka Stockholm.

SCANDINAVIA’S TRADE EXPO for NATURAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTS Your destination to spot trends, sample new products, and learn what's coming up in the industry.9-10 October 2024Exciting new location -> Kistamassan Stockholm, SwedenRegister your interestExplore the Show:SCANDINAVIA’S TRADE EXPO for NATURAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTS Your destination to spot trends, sample new products, and learn what's coming up in the industry.9-10 October 2024Exciting new location -> Kistamassan Stockholm, SwedenRegister your interest to explore the show: SUPERMARKETS The number one source for organic certified food, beverages and other ingredients. You'll find new trends, expert insight, and brands that you won't find anywhere else. Are you ready to make the organic choice a popular one for all? CERTIFIED ORGANIC DRINK FRIENDS of the SHOWAre you looking to attract the conscious consumer? Brand NEW in 2024! Natural, healthy, and sustainable are the words that come to mind when we think about good food. Good food is what everyone should be eating. NATURAL FOOD FRIENDS of the SHOWScandinavia is the leader in natural beauty. This is the event for you to discover new trends in beauty. Learn from experts, cater to your conscientious consumer and stay ahead of the competition. BODY CARE FRIENDS of the SHOWFind out what's new and exciting in the rapidly developing world of nature.

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Mesedez, eman izena Nordic Organic Food Azokaren webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Stockholm konderria, Suedia Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Stockholm konderria, Suedia


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak