
Johannesburgoko Nazioarteko Motor Show 2024

Johannesburgeko Nazioarteko Motor Show
From August 30, 2024 until September 01, 2024
Midrand - Kyalami Grand Prix Zirkuitua, Gauteng, Hegoafrika
+27-10-599-6164 ; +27-10-599-6169
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Automobilismoaren Jaialdia

Ongietorria ematen dizugu Hegoafrikako motor-ekitaldi handienera. ZUEN NAHIA DAUKAGU! Prest al zaude 2023ko Automobilismoaren Jaialdirako? WesBankek 2023an Automobilismoaren Jaialdia berreskuratuko du bere 6. ediziorako. 2022ko Automobilismo Jaialdian Pole Position! Babesleak eta Bazkideak 2023rako.

Welcome to South Africa's biggest motoring eventThe Festival of Motoring is proud to announce its eagerly anticipated 7th edition dates. This event will take place at the prestigious Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit from August 30th, 2024 to September 1st. It promises a spectacular showcase of the automobile world.The Festival of Motoring is a vibrant gathering of automotive enthusiasts from 210 South African cities. The dynamic gathering includes a stunning 10,000 test drives, which were skillfully performed by professional drivers over three days. The festival is notable for displaying a significant 18% purchase intention among its attendees. This highlights the appeal of the festival to potential buyers.The festival attendees also have a higher than average car ownership profile. All German brands are among the top 15 most popular brands. These attributes, taken together, have helped to make the festival the number one event in South Africa for engaging automotive consumers.The Festival offers a wide range of exciting activities for attendees, including the opportunity to see professional drivers driving passenger and performance cars around the world-famous Kyalami circuit. They can also experience cutting-edge technology first-hand. The Festival is a great opportunity for families to come together and bond over their passion for cars.ttt2023 DIGITAL SHOW GUIDEtttttt 40PIT DOORStttttt 70TRACK EVENTStttttt 105tttttt EXHIBITORStttttt 28911VisitorsWe have what you want!tttYellow ZoneBlue Zone.

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Midrand - Kyalami Grand Prix Zirkuitua, Gauteng, Hegoafrika Midrand - Kyalami Grand Prix Zirkuitua, Gauteng, Hegoafrika


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