
Meat Pro Asia 2025

Haragia Pro Asia
From March 12, 2025 until March 14, 2025
Pak Kret - IMPACT Exhibition Center, Nonthaburi, Thailandia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

Haragia Pro Asia

Welcome to Meat Pro Asia. More information. This is a great opportunity to get into the ASEAN market. Organisers with a wealth of resources. From feed to food processing, packaging and logistics, the entire supply chain is covered. Promotion across the global network. Factual & statistical information. Search for exhibitors & products. Themes and events. Plan your participation. Participate in Meat Pro Asia.

Meat Pro Asiak plataforma profesionala eskaintzen du elikagaiak prozesatzeko ekipamenduak eta ontziratzeko teknologiak negoziatzeko. VIV Asiarekin batera ospatzen diren azokek eta hornikuntza-kate osoa hartzen dute, pentsuetatik elikagaietara, prozesatzeko, ontziratzeko eta salmentara arte, ASEAN eskualde osoan elikagaien teknologiako erosleen espektro osoa erakartzen dute. Ikuskizuna bi urtean behin egingo da, VIV Asiarekin batera. Elikagaien pentsuetarako Asiako nazioarteko azokarik handiena da. Lehenengo edizioa 12eko martxoaren 14tik 2025ra izango da, Bangkok-en (Tailandia) IMPACT-en.

Meat Pro Asia brings together the entire spectrum of technologies for food processing and packaging. The biennial fair, which will be held in Bangkok from 2023, offers unparalleled access to the market not only in Thailand but also across the entire ASEAN and its 600 million inhabitants. Meat Pro Asia, the only major food processing event in Thailand, is a perfect platform for channel players looking to get a foothold into this rapidly growing sector.

The exhibitors include everything from manufacturers and suppliers to packaging and transport solutions. The fair will be held in conjunction with VIV Asia, the largest international trade show in Asia from Feed to Food. It is expected to draw 10,000 buyers in the next edition in 2025. The fair's location alongside Thailand's largest food-related show offers buyers a comprehensive range of sourcing options across the entire supply chains.

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Pak Kret - IMPACT Exhibition Center, Nonthaburi, Thailandia Pak Kret - IMPACT Exhibition Center, Nonthaburi, Thailandia


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak