
2024ko Terapia Zelularra eta Genekoak Munduko Kongresua eta Erakusketa

Zelula eta Gene Terapia Munduko Kongresua eta Erakusketa
From July 11, 2024 until July 12, 2024
Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

- 2023ko Terapia Zelularra eta Genekoak Munduko Kongresua

Second Cell & Gene Therapy World Congress in 2024 Europe. 2nd Cell & Gene Therapy Global Congress in 2024 Europe. Key Industry Speakers. Mohamed Oubihi Ph.D. Mohamed Oubihi Ph.D. Dr. Thomas Schochat. Thomas Schochat. Stuart M Curbishley. Stuart M Curbishley. DR. ANAND SRIVASTAVA. DR. ANAND SRIVASTAVA. Cecilia Gotherstrom. Cecilia Gotherstrom. Cecilia Gotherstrom.

Cell & Gene Therapy Networking Event - The Fastest Growing Cell & Gene Therapy Networking Event.

Cell and gene therapies are a form of personalised, regeneration medicine. They are described as the most promising, innovative and life-changing categories of new medicines. Their full potential has only just begun to emerge. These are the most cutting-edge, rapidly developing fields of biological therapies. They are also known as "Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products" and involve the use of cells and tissues to treat, cure or prevent difficult-to-treat diseases and complicated health conditions. These therapies offer life-changing treatment for a wide range of complex diseases, from cancers to genetic conditions. Both approaches have the potential to reduce the cause of genetic or acquired diseases, by replacing the protein or cells that are causing their symptoms. Cell and gene therapy may have a longer-lasting effect than traditional medicine. The convergence of advanced biotechnology and precision medicine with manufacturing expertise has made these therapies a reality.

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Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua Londres - Londres, Ingalaterra, Erresuma Batua


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak