
Wearable EXPO -Wearable [Garapena] / [Erabilpena] Erakusketa- 2025

Wearable EXPO -Wearable [Garapena] / [Erabilpena] Erakusketa-
From January 22, 2025 until January 24, 2025
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

WPO Albisteak - 48

President's Word. What's really important? WPO releases the "Packaging Trends report"Based on WorldStar 2021 Winners Message from the General Secretary. I am very happy with the 2021 results! Training Program on Paper & Paperboard Cartons. AIP releases results of the 2021 Salary Survey. Career Satisfaction. Job Security: Satisfaction. Liderpack 2020 has 46 winners. AIP's President and board members become CPP.

Posible al da jada 2021ean gaudela? Non?Nola pasatu zen urtea? Urte nahasia izan da guztiontzat, Banaka eta industria globalaren ikuspegitik.

Every year seems to have a unique character. The past year was certainly not without its challenges.WPO was greatly affected by this. When I reflect on the past year, I find myself feeling a sense of accomplishment.Know that it has affected more people than others. Covid19 is a serious problem for many.We and our families around the world, and will continue to do so. I urge you to take time out during this busy season.Take a moment to thank God for all that you have. We have so many things to be grateful forFor example, our associations, business, family, and friends.

Aukera ezin hobea da niretzat eskerrak emateko. Eskerrak eman nahi nizkieke WPO gaur egun, mundu osoan, hain gogor lan egin duten guztiei. Ni naiz WPOren arrakasta jasotzen duen laguntzaren araberakoa da. Mundu mailako kideen lan gogorra eta dedikazioa, baita haiek eskuzabaltasunez laguntzen dieten batzordeena ere. Boluntarioek beren denbora ematen dute. Eskerrik asko zure denboragatik. Eskerrik asko zure laguntza eta dedikazioagatik. Taldeak aipamen berezia merezi du.WPO Executive Team.

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Mesedez, erregistratu Wearable EXPO-ren webgune ofizialean -Wearable [Garapena] / [Erabilpena] Erakusketa-

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Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonia Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japonia


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak