
Energia gutxiko, energia pasiboko eta zeroko eraikinen eta berokuntzaren azoka 2025

Energia Beheko, Pasiboko eta Zeroko Eraikinen eta Berokuntzaren Azoka
From February 06, 2025 until February 08, 2025
Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Txekiar
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)


Note down the dates of our events in 2024. For PASIV 2024 and FOR WOOD: Advice on low-energy and subsidised buildings. Date change for the FOR PASIV next year's trade fair. Cancellation of the trade fair. PVA EXPO Prague will host FOR PASIV 2020, FOR WOOD 2020 and FOR THERM. Trade fairs that are co-located. Display all advertising.

Gorde hurrengo urtean parte hartu nahi dituzun ekitaldietarako datak! Aukera zabala duzu aukeran. Eskerrik asko iazko bisitagatik. Harro gaude Txekiar Errepublikako azokarik modernoena eta handiena izateaz zure laguntzari esker. Deskargatu 2024ko ekitaldien egutegia pdf fitxategi gisa HEMEN klik eginez.

The FOR PASIV fair is an important source of information for both those planning to build new buildings and for visitors who plan to renovate their existing homes.

The FOR WOOD fair will feature companies and products in the wooden constructions field, as well as technological innovations and modern materials that allow the design and construction of complex constructions or structural elements for wooden houses.

The preparations for these major industry events have already begun. Leading manufacturers, implementers, and distributors of building materials, heating technologies, and other technologies are gradually filling up the exhibition spaces at PVA EXPO Prague. The public and experts will be able to learn about the latest developments in these fields, as well as how subsidies can be used for affordable housing.

Hits: 2270

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Mesedez, eman izena Energia Baxuko, Pasiboko eta Zeroko Eraikinen eta Berokuntzaren Azokaren webgune ofizialean.

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Txekiar Praga - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praga, Txekiar


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak