
Expo Camacol 2024

Expo Camacol
From August 21, 2024 until August 24, 2024
Medellín - Plaza Mayor, Antioquia, Kolonbia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

ExpoCAMACOL 2024 ExpoCAMACOL 2024 -

Knowledge and trends. Join the largest fair of its kind in Latin America. Exhibitions at the national and international level. Product demonstrations. Launching of new products and services. Knowledge and trends, academic agenda. Innovation Showcase. Medellin: Headquarters City. ExpoCAMACOL Results 2022 Have you got general questions? Contact us using this form.

Eman izena orain Eraikuntzako Bilera Teknikorako – ETC – eta ExpoCAMACOL 2020ko hiriko bisita gidaturako.

ExpoCAMACOL brings together the professional and business sector of the construction industry around business, updating and exhibition activities in an environment that is conducive to strategic relationships and commercial opportunities.

Medellin Antioquiako hiriburua eta Kolonbiako bigarren hiri garrantzitsuena da, bai ekonomikoki eta bai politikoki. Kokapen eta nazioarteko proiekzio handiko merkataritza, teknologia eta industria zentroa da.

The city's architecture, its urban planning, and the continuation of its economic and social development policies has transformed it into the most livable city in the country with the best infrastructure.

Hitzaldi, solasaldi eta demo guneak.

CI San Fernando Plaza Carrera 43A N 1 - 50 Dorrea II, 4. solairua Medellin, Kolonbia.

Telephone: +57(604) 448 8030 - Whatsapp: +57(305) 4349946 Email: [posta elektroniko bidez babestua].

Hits: 2186

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Mesedez, eman izena Expo Camacol-en webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

Medellín - Plaza Mayor, Antioquia, Kolonbia Medellín - Plaza Mayor, Antioquia, Kolonbia


aydee García Trujillo
Eraikuntzarako produktu berriak eskuratzea
Deseo visitar la feria
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Buenas tardes. como puedo adquirir entradas de visitante a la feria expocamacol 2023

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