
Polagra 2024

From September 25, 2024 until September 27, 2024
Poznań - Poznan Nazioarteko Azoka, Polonia Handia Voivodeship, Polonia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)
Kategoriak: Janariak eta edariak

POLAGRA Azoka Poznań Polonian 25ko irailaren 27tik 2024ra

Important information. Important information. Important information. Food - Horeca - Foodtech. Offer for Exhibitors. Exhibitors Catalogue. Video & Gallery. POLAGRA is the celebration of Polish food industry. The dairy industry is facing big challenges. Unox wins Gold Medal Consumers' Choice plebiscite on the Polagra Salon Foodtech Fair! The machine is running! The first day of POLAGRA is summarized.

POLAGRA offers a platform for the presentation of products that are in line with consumer demands, innovative technologies used in food production and solutions to improve the efficiency of accommodation and catering facilities. Taste is the common thread that binds all these elements together, and around which new business relations are formed, allowing the industry to grow and promote Polish food abroad.

The data for the third quarter of 2023 is a major challenge, despite the fact that the economy has improved since the first half of the year 2023.

Poznanen, industriako adituak elkartu ziren elikagaien eta ostalaritzaren sektoreek dituzten erronkei buruz eztabaidatzeko.

Mlekovitak urrezko hainbat sari irabazi zituen eta, batez ere, POLAGRA Azokan MTP Taldearen Sari Nagusia.

Aurtengo sariak POLAGRA-Food-HoReCa-Foodtech elikadura eta ostalaritza azokarik handienean banatu ziren.

Master Baker 2023 will see the best bakers compete for prizes. The final live competition takes place...

KRN is an Indian manufacturing company that has experienced rapid growth. The company was established on the basis more than 20 years' experience.

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Mesedez, eman izena Polagra-ren webgune ofizialean

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Poznań - Poznan Nazioarteko Azoka, Polonia Handia Voivodeship, Polonia Poznań - Poznan Nazioarteko Azoka, Polonia Handia Voivodeship, Polonia


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak