
ISAFCyber ​​Security Exhibition 2024

ISAFCyber ​​Security Erakusketa
From October 09, 2024 until October 12, 2024
Bakırköy/Istanbul - Istanbuleko Expo Center (Istanbul Fuar Merkezi), İstanbul, Turkia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

ISAF – Segurtasuna – Zibersegurtasuna – Bizitza Adimenduna – Segurtasuna eta Osasuna – Sua eta Salbamendua

ISAF Segurtasuna - Zibersegurtasuna - Bizitza Adimenduna - Segurtasuna eta Osasuna - Sua eta Salbamendua. ISAF NAZIOARTEKO JAIALDIA. TR Merkataritza Ministerioa ISAFeko partaideak laguntzen ari da! ISAF hazi egin da aurten ospatu den MOBISAD IMEX Azokarekin. ISAF Azoka handiagoa izango da 2023an. 2022ko ISAF eta IMEX emaitzen txostenak argitaratzen dira .... Partaideen Albisteak. Mavili Elektronik ISAFen parte hartzen du 16. aldiz.

ISAF Fair has been organized for many years to include 5 main fairs. However, starting from 2024, all of these 5 fairs will be organized as a single fair with the main brand ISAF INTERNATIONAL. ISAF International Fair will bring the entire industry together for the 28th time on 9-12 October 2024. ALL SECURITY PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS ARE MORE EXTENSIVELY AT ISAF. ISAF, which is among the world brand events in the sectors it covers, will once again organize Security, Electronic Security Homeland Security, National Security Cyber Security Smart Buildings, Smart Life Fire and fire safety Occupational Health and Safety Sectors in 2024. will be organized to include THE TARGET IN ISAF 2024 IS MORE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS ISAF International, which continues to grow even in the most difficult periods, is organized every year with a new planning compared to the previous year. The main goal of the ISAF International Fair in 2024 is planned to further strengthen the work aimed at international participants and visitors. TURKEY'S GLOBAL POWER AND IMPORTANCE IN THE SECTOR IS INCREASING EVERY DAY With the global change in the sector ...

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Bakırköy/Istanbul - Istanbuleko Expo Center (Istanbul Fuar Merkezi), İstanbul, Turkia Bakırköy/Istanbul - Istanbuleko Expo Center (Istanbul Fuar Merkezi), İstanbul, Turkia


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