
ISC Brasil 2024 (Atzeratu)

ISC Brasil
From September 25, 2024 until September 27, 2024 (Postponed)
São Paulo - Expo Center Norte, São Paulo estatua, Brasil
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

ISC Brasil - Feira Internacional de Segurança

Here you will find the elite of integrated security. Anhembi District | Sao Paulo-SP. A UNPRECEDENTED TRAVEL FOR SECTOR LEADER. Visit the blog to see the latest updates. ORGANIZATIONS AND PROMOTION.

ISCk irtenbide onenak eskaintzen dizkizu negozio arrakasta handia lortzen laguntzeko.

ISC Brasil, recognized as the MAIN fair in Brazil for INTEGRATED Security Solutions, aims to satisfy the need for brand integration for effective PROJECT execution.

ISC Brasil 2024’s new approach is to deliver the LARGEST CONTENT EVEN IN THE SECTOR. It will offer a strategic environment that allows large buyers to make decisions and drive collaboration, which will shape the future of the security market.

ISC Brasil is the leading corporate event in Brazil that brings together managers, experts and decision makers from the Integrated Security and Electronic Security Sector.

The main brands of the sector will present innovations and market trends in an exhibition program that is full of managerial and technical content.

ISC Brasil RXek antolatu zuen. RX pertsona, komunitate eta erakundeei negozio eta konexio aukerak eskaintzen dizkien enpresa da. Lineako eta lineaz kanpoko 400 ekitaldi baino gehiagoko zorroa du, 22 herrialdetan, 42 sektore ezberdinetarako. RX gizartean eragin positiboa izateko ardura duen erakundea da. Lan-giro bat sortzeko konpromisoa hartu dute, non denak barne hartuko dituena.

Hits: 7079

Eman izena sarrera edo txosnetan

Mesedez, erregistratu ISC Brasilen webgune ofizialean

Lekuen mapa eta hotelak inguruan

São Paulo - Expo Center Norte, São Paulo estatua, Brasil São Paulo - Expo Center Norte, São Paulo estatua, Brasil


800 Ezkutatutako karaktereak