Autoa Zaintzeko Expo

Autoa Zaintzeko Expo

From November 21, 2024 until November 23, 2024

Mumbai - Bombay Exhibition Center (BEC), Maharashtra, India

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

Online Cricket Apustuen Hazkundea Indian -

Indiako lineako cricket apustuak hazten ari dira. Zergatik gustatzen zaio jendeari IPLren aldeko apustua egitea? Indiarrek kilker-apustuak gozatzen dituzte. Cricketa oso kirol ezaguna da Indian. Lineako kilker-apustu guneak ugariak dira.

Indiako Premier League Indiako kirol ekitaldirik ospetsuena bihurtu da. Indiako Premier League beste herrialde batzuetan ere ezaguna da, hala nola Pakistanen eta Sri Lankan. Bertako zein nazioarteko kilketek parte hartu nahi dute kilker ekitaldi garrantzitsu honetan. Ez da harritzekoa cricket zaleek gertaera hau haien ondotik pasatzea nahi ez izatea. Batzuk partidak ikustearekin konformatzen dira, baina beste asko gustuko dituzte talde gogokoenetan edo irabaziko dutela uste dutenen aldeko apustua egiten.

Online cricket betting has also been on the increase in India. MyBetting reported in 2014 that more than 370 million Indians wagered in a single year. Around 170 million of these bet on major sporting events such as the IPL. Online betting, they estimated, is becoming more popular and growing at around 20% per year. Nevertheless, this year more people have bet on the IPL. This period, which has seen some significant changes, has also sparked the interest of many. Two new teams have joined the organization, namely Gujarat Titans (Ahmedabad), and Lucknow SuperGiants.

Customers who wager on IPL cricket are confident, as they know they are betting on games that are backed up by top-tier sports companies and management companies. The cash prize is also known to them. The top prize for the IPL is expected to range between 4,000,000,000 - 5,000,000,000.