Petit 1 Tolosa

Petit 1 Tolosa

From November 26, 2024 until November 26, 2024

Labège - Kongresu Jauregian eta Diagora Erakusketa, Okzitania, Frantzia

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

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Kategoriak: Haurtzaindegiko ondasunak

Hits: 1429

Hasiera » Petit 1 - Tolosa

Haurtzaindegietako profesionalen hitzaldia. HAUR HEZKUNTZAKO INDUSTRIAKO PROFESIONALA EDO INSTITUZIONALISTA AL ZARA? GURE FB ORRIA. Erakusketa gunea. Lagunarteko atsedenaldiak

Zatoz TOULOUSEko Petit 1 ikuskizunera eta parte hartu!

Barne: hitzaldi eta tailerretara joatea; erakusketariekin bilera; ongi etorri kafea eta bazkariak.

Gizarte-sektoreko erabakiak hartzen dituztenentzat eta dagokion beste langileentzat gordeta dago, kudeatzaileak, erosleak, administrazio-zuzendariak eta erosleak barne:.

Bestea aitortzea ekintza bikoitza da, bai haiek aitortzea eta bai aitortzeko eskaerei erantzutea. Haur Hezkuntzako profesionalek urteak daramatzate errekonozimendu hori eskatzen. Bere lanbideari ematen dioten garrantzia, gozamena eta zentzuarekin bereizezina da.

We know it! Be an educator, auxiliary, etc. It is not like any other profession. This is a profession that touches the human being, but even more so, its most vulnerable form and precious time, early childhood. It requires a mobilization of what is unique and deep, and goes beyond emotional intelligence. It is therefore essential that these professions are recognized, more so than in any other field, as they can help us to best understand and respond to toddlers.

While economic, political, and institutional actors recognize the importance to increase access to reception methods, both to reconcile professional and family lives, as well as fight against inequalities, or to promote the wellbeing of the child, to the extent of calling for the establishment of an early childhood public service (SPPE), they are slow in nourishing the substrate, which is the nutritional basis of reception. They therefore forget to recognise the professionals, even though there are still 10,000 who are missing.