Indianako gomazko zigilua eta ebakinen ihesaldia

Indianako gomazko zigilua eta ebakinen ihesaldia

From October 04, 2024 until October 05, 2024

Fort Wayne - Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Indiana, AEB

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

Kategoriak: Arte-hornidura eta eskulanak

Tags: Rubber

Hits: 2084

Fort Wayne, IN

Fort Wayne Getaway Fort Wayne Getaway! Fort Wayne, IN: Two Day Show Tickets. Friday, October 4, and Saturday, Oct. 5, - Advance Two Day Passes. Fort Wayne Make and Take Ticket, October 5, 6 - 8 Come and join us at the creative and fun Friday Night Make-and Take Party! The $40.00 Make-and Take Party ticket includes FREE admission on both Friday and Saturday to the show! To order tickets, click the button!

Fort Wayne gomazko zigiluak eta ebakinen ihesaldia 2024an!

Ordutegia Ostirala 10:4 - 30:10 Larunbata 4:XNUMX - XNUMX:XNUMX.

Allen County War Memorial Coliseum 4000 Parnell Avenue Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46805.

Bring your friends along for a fun-filled day of scrapbooking, papercrafting and stamping! Professional rubber stamp companies and scrapbook designers from across the country will be on hand to help you with your shopping! See the newest stamping and scrapbooking products, watch demonstrations, make and take projects, and learn about new papercrafting methods! Lots of door prizes will be given out, along with fun music and games that you can play to win even more prizes. This event is perfect for anyone, whether you're a skilled crafter or a novice, or if you've never scrapped or stamped before. !

Aurtengo ikuskizunaren gaia "80ko hamarkada eroa" da, eta jokoak, musika eta sariak izango ditu. Jantzi zure 80. hamarkadako musika, telebista edo zinemako jantziak ikuskizunera eta jaso aparteko sari bat. Egunero, gure 80. hamarkadako jantzi klasiko onenen lehiaketan ere parte har dezakezu edozein standetan gastatzeko Fun Money irabazteko aukera izateko. Ekarri erosketa-zorro tematiko bat!