Txikizkako Egunak Azoka

Txikizkako Egunak Azoka

From May 29, 2024 until May 30, 2024

Istanbulen - Halic Kongresu Jauregian, Istanbul, Turkia

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua


Kategoriak: Zerbitzu Korporatiboak

Tags: Txikizkako

Hits: 2203

Perakende Günleri | 29ko maiatzak 30-2024 Haliç Kongre Merkezi

Retail Days in Numbers. Retail Days by Numbers. Retail Days is the largest event in the Retail and Digital Commerce Ecosystem, for retailers, shopping centers, ecommerce and technology companies and industry suppliers. Retail Sun Awards. Speakers from Turkiye, and the rest of the world. Emre Alkin, Prof. Dr. Suleyman Orakcioglu. Sebnem Berkol Yuceer.

Retail Days Turkiako enpresa-elkarte handiena da eta nazioarteko erakunde gutxien artean.

Bi urtean behin Istanbulen egingo den Retail Days, eta 10,000 parte-hartzaile baino gehiago biltzen dituena, nagusiki goi mailako zuzendariak, 2024ko Retail Days-ek industriako sektore guztiak bilduko ditu. Honen barruan sartzen dira merkatariak, merkataritza guneak, garatzaileak, teknologia enpresak eta hornitzaileak.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in the eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in the eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in the eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in the eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in eros.

Customer is important. The customer will follow the customer. The stress factor is sad in eros.