

From February 06, 2025 until February 09, 2025

Budapest-en - HUNGEXPO Budapesteko Kongresu eta Erakusketa Zentroa, Budapest, Hungaria

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua


Kategoriak: Ingurumen Zerbitzuak, Kirolaren industria

Tags: labanak

Hits: 2404


"Ancient heritage is inherited by some, but not others. Ancient fight, a thirst for knowledge, an appetite for adventure, a passion to collect, and a love for forests, fields, and sedges." 31st FeHoVaFebruary 6, 9 and 10, 2025. Now is the time to mark it on your calendar! The 30th FEHOVA EXHIBITION WAS A SUCCESS. The 29th FeHoVa was a great success!

Amaitu da FeHoVa Arrantza, Ehiza eta Armen Nazioarteko 30. Erakusketa. HungEXPO Budapesteko Kongresu eta Erakusketa Zentroak 38,00 bisitari baino gehiago izan zituen 2013an, ekitaldi honetan etengabeko interesaren seinale.

FeHoVa ehiztari, arrantzale eta naturazaleen eskualdeko topaketarik handiena da. 200 erakusketarik, 12 herrialde ezberdinetatik, Hungaria barne, beren azken produktuak aurkeztu zituzten.

Hainbat faktorek bisitari kopurua nabarmen handitzea ekar dezakete. 29. Nazioarteko Azoka arrakastatsua izan zen nazioarteko erakusketariekin, giro zoragarria eta beste hainbat puntu nabarmengarri.Armen, Arrantza eta Ehizaren Nazioarteko Erakusketa. Topaketa handiena 200 erakusketari baino gehiago izango dira inguruko ehiztari, arrantzale eta naturazaleen beharrak asetzeko.Bisitariak euren azken produktuen aurkezpenera gonbidatu zituzten.HungEXPO Budapest-ek hainbat hitzaldi antolatu ditu.

More than 38 ThousandThe 29th International Fishing, Hunting andArms International Exhibition at HUNGEXPO Budapest CongressExhibition Center. It seems that this year's numbers are far higher than last year.The society of hunters and fishermen has returned to the previous level of operationAfter a pandemic that lasted for more than two years. The event attracted exhibitors from across the globe.Various countries including Austria, Belgium and the Czech Republic.Africa is Poland, Namibia Italy, Pakistan, Slovakia and Namibia. There are many.There were many foreign visitors to the event, partly because ofThe 10th Anniversary FeHoVa - MEOESZ International Winterdog ShowCAC and CACIB are hosted simultaneously with FeHoVa. FeHoVa took place this year.Placed in four different pavilions.