Nazioarteko Forstmesse

Nazioarteko Forstmesse

From August 21, 2025 until August 24, 2025

At Lucerna - Messe Luzern AG, Lucerna, Suitza

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

Kategoriak: Nekazaritza Sektorea

Tags: Eguna, Baso, moldura, Klima

Hits: 2082

Für Besucher - Forstmesse

27th International Forestry FairAugust 21st to 24th, 2025Lucerne Trade Fair. International Forestry Fair, Thursday to Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. The meeting place for the timber and forestry industry. Forestry Fair: Strong and successful in 2023. WaldSchweiz is 100 years old. Meeting point Forst, Foret, Foresta. Panel BFH - HAFL: Climate Change - Challenges and Solutions. Competition for Trial Forwarders. Wood splitting championship

The large Lucerne exhibition centre was a hive of activity over the four-day period. The 22,000 forestry enthusiasts and wood lovers who attended the fair confirmed that it has become a major event in the professional world. The next event will be held from August 21st through 24th 2025.

Do you want to find the best chainsaw for your terrain or the most efficient transport system? Our exhibitors will show you the newest products for professional forestry services, with an emphasis on safety, efficiency and unique handling.

Mendez geroztik, Suitzako Basoen Elkarteak basoen jabeei eta baso kudeatzaileei laguntzen die. WaldSchweizek ere basogintzako azokan irrati-erorketa ziri iraultzailea aurkeztuko du, zutik dauden zuhaitzak urrutitik segurtasunez botatzeko aukera ematen duena.

The classic show Meeting Point Forst Foret Foresta>> has a new look every time. Codoc, a partner in training issues for forestry, works with over a dozen organisations to ensure exciting implementation. The special show in 2023 will demonstrate how forest management tools have evolved over the years and continue to evolve.