Laneko Segurtasuna eta Osasuna

Laneko Segurtasuna eta Osasuna

From October 02, 2024 until October 03, 2024

Rotterdam - Rotterdam Ahoy, Hego Holanda, Herbehereak

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

Safety&Health@Work - Safety&Health@Work: Lan-ingurune segururako plataforma

Safety&Health@Work, Segurtasuneko Profesionalen Erakusketa lan-ingurune osasuntsu eta seguruari lehentasun handia ematen diotenentzat da. Erakusketak 3,000 bisitari erakartzea espero da, eta NVVK Konferentziarekin bat egin du, zeinak segurtasuneko 500 profesional hartuko ditu egunero.

The exhibition will be attended by buyers, QHSE managers, QHSE specialists, and prevention officers. Exhibitors include suppliers of protective apparel, safety equipment and materials, technology & robots, knowledge & training, and knowledge & learning facilities.

Safety&Health@Work Rotterdam Ahoy-k lan-ingurune osasuntsu eta seguruari lehentasun handia ematen dioten segurtasuneko profesionalei sareko plataforma nagusi bat eskaintzen die. Ekitaldia arlo askotan ezagutza zabaltzeko eta sakontzeko modu bikaina da. Safety&Health@Work-ek hainbat produktu eta zerbitzu eskaintzen ditu, baita sarean lan egiteko aukerak ere.

Safety and health at work begins in the workplace. This includes the full spectrum of awareness and good and safe tools. It also includes fall protection, personal protective gear, drones, surveillance (cameras), and work clothing. Education, training, certifications and software, as well as quality marks and education, are all important in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. Safety&Health@Work brings together more than 120 service and product providers to showcase the latest trends, innovations and developments. All exhibitors are listed. You can also check out the floor plan.