SipRho - Salon International des Plages

SipRho - Salon International des Plages

From February 10, 2025 until February 12, 2025

Pérols - Parc des Expositions de Montpelier, Okzitania, Frantzia

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

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SIPRHO - Salon International des Plages, de la Restauration et de l'Hôtellerie à Montpellier

11 Hondartza Profesionalen ShowCatering eta Ostalaritza. SIPRHO erakusketarien zerrenda. Janaria eta edariak. Altzariak, dekorazioa eta mahai-tresnak. Sukalderako, jangelarako, hotelerako eta higieneetarako ekipamendua. Ehungintza, komunikazioa eta teknologia. Zerbitzuak eta Prestakuntza. Hondartza eta kanpoko diseinua. 11 Harpidetu gure buletinera.

This is the largest French trade show for professionals in this sector. The event is held every year in Herault, Montpellier in February. In the run-up to summer, over 300 exhibitors and 450 brand (2024 figures), from various sectors, such as hotels, restaurants, and developed beaches, will present their latest innovations and products to approximately 11,500 qualified attendees on an area of 14,000m2.

It is very accessible (5 minutes from the A9, the airport and Sud de France station, as well as a tram stop and a beach or sea), and has 3000 parking spots for exhibitors (1500) and visitors (1500).

The SIPRHO, which has grown to be one of France's largest hospitality and catering shows, retains a HUMAN touch and presents a beautiful decoration that recreates real BEACHES at the Montpellier Exhibition Center. This includes sand, palms trees, coconuts trees, olives trees, tiki-bars, huts and more. ).

SIPRHO, Hondartzak, Ostalaritza eta Hotelen Erakusketa izan zen:.

Gozatu 2024ko edizioko argazki eta bideoez, edo egin bisita birtual bat ikuskizun osoa ikusteko (VR entzungailuekin bateragarria).