Plastikoen Teknologiaren Erakusketa

Plastikoen Teknologiaren Erakusketa

From March 18, 2025 until March 20, 2025

Rosemont - Donald E Stephens Convention Center, Illinois, AEB

Canton Fair Net-ek argitaratua

Kategoriak: Ingeniaritza Sektorea

Tags: Moldeak

Hits: 5121

Plastikoen Teknologia Erakusketa | PTXPO | Rosemont, IL

The Midwest Plastics Show is Back in 2025! Sponsors for 2025 PTXPO. Compete at PTXPOMolded Parts Contest! Are you interested in exhibiting? Get your booth today! Keep up with the latest plastics news before PTXPO. Are you interested in GBM events that are geared towards the manufacturing industry?See our full line-up!

PTXPO has become a must-attend event for anyone involved in plastics manufacturing. After a year of reflection and building on the success of the first two events, it is ready to continue where it left off in 2025 with another memorable outing.

PTXPO ikuskizun bat baino gehiago da. Gozatu industriako aditu nagusien ordainpeko azken programazioarekin, hurrengo belaunaldiko teknologia, industria 4.0 eta langileen garapena bezalako gaiak lantzen dituena.

PTXPOk Rosemont-en (Chicago), IL-en duen kokapen estrategikoa bi arrazoirengatik da. Plastikoen sektoreko ordezkaritza geografikoaren hutsunea bete nahi du. NPE Hegoaldeko plastikoen aldizkako eskala handiko erakusketa bakarra da, baina Orlandok distantzia urruna adierazten du Midwest fabrikatzaileentzat.

Illinois, AEBetan, 4. postuan dago fabrikazio lanetan. 10 onenen artean dauden beste estatu batzuk Ohio, Indiana Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York eta Wisconsin dira. PTXPOren kokapen zentralak helmuga ezin hobea bihurtzen du parte hartzen duten guztientzat.

PTXPO offers you the chance to see the newest and best in plastics, technology and equipment. Attend live demos and Tech Talk sessions for free that provide actionable insights into emerging technology.