
SIGNATU Istanbul 2024

SIGNATU Istanbul
From October 31, 2024 until November 03, 2024
Büyükçekmece - Tuyap Erakusketa eta Konbentzio Zentroa, İstanbul, Turkia
(Mesedez, egiaztatu beheko gune ofizialean datak eta kokalekuak joan aurretik.)

SINATU İstanbul | 31KO URRIAK 03 – AZAROAK 2024

Visit SIGN Istanbul WHAT TO EXPECT BY 2024. SIGN Istanbul welcomed nearly 25,000 professionals, including 4,000 international visitors. DIGITAL PRINTING AND PROMOTION SECTORS WILL CONVENE AT TUYAP PRIOR TO THE LOCAL ELECTIONS. Internationally, the sector is focused on SIGN Istanbul 20, which will be held in September. SIGN Istanbul: Digital printing innovations! SIGN Istanbul is the place to be for textile printing innovations!

25TH INTERNATIONAL ad industry and digital printing technologies fair.

Tuyap Azoka eta Erakusketa Zentroa tttBuyukcekmece, Istanbul / Turkia.

SIGN Istanbulek Eurasiaren bihotzerako ateak irekiko ditu urtero 31ko urriaren 3tik azaroaren 2024ra. SIGN Istanbulek inprimatzeko makina digitalak eta serigrafiarako makinak eta ehunen inprimaketa, LED sistemak, laser makinak eta publizitate industrialak izango ditu.

SIGN Istanbul is scheduled to take place in Tuyap between 31 October and 03 November 2024. Contact us today to secure your place amongst leaders in advertising and digital printing technologies and take advantage of the many trade opportunities that this event offers.

SIGN Istanbul inprimaketa digitalaren eta publizitate industrialaren industriako produktu eta teknologia berrienen, berritzaileen eta etorkizunera begirako erakusleiho bat da.

SIGN Istanbul, held for the 24th consecutive year, brought together 253 international and local brands as well as 24,612 buyers. The fair welcomed 3,976 visitors from 90 different countries.

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Mesedez, erregistratu SIGN Istanbul-en webgune ofizialean

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Büyükçekmece - Tuyap Erakusketa eta Konbentzio Zentroa, İstanbul, Turkia Büyükçekmece - Tuyap Erakusketa eta Konbentzio Zentroa, İstanbul, Turkia


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